Reproductive Health & Justice
- Setting Standards for Family Planning Services
- Expanding Access to Contraceptives
- Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatments
- Preserving Fertility for Patients Act
- The PARENT Act
- Protecting Patients’ Reproductive Healthcare Information
- Reproductive Rights Amendment
- Reproductive Freedom Act
- Codifying Emergency Abortion Care Protections for Pennsylvanians
- Protecting the Privacy of Insured Dependents
- Protection for Nurses Providing Reproductive Health Services
- Funding for Family Planning Providers
- Expanding the Types of Professionals Who Can Provide Abortion Care
- Prohibiting Spousal Notice in Abortions
- Patient Trust Act
- PA Menstrual Equity Act
- Menstrual Education in Schools
- Menopause Education
- Providing Menstrual Hygiene Products in State Buildings
- Combatting Fertility Fraud and Deception
- Diagnostic Breast Imaging
- Coverage for Abortion in Commonwealth Insurance Policies
- Coverage for Abortions through Pennsylvania’s Health Insurance Exchange
Maternal & Child Health
Workplace Equality & Economic Empowerment
Justice & Inclusion
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Providing Grants for Domestic Violence Prevention and Services
- Campus Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Study
- Allowing Electronic Monitoring of Defendants as an Option of Relief in Protection from Abuse (PFA) Orders
- Tax-Free Retirement Withdrawals for Survivors of Domestic Abuse
- Reforming Pennsylvania’s Divorce Laws